
Sagopa Kajmer Concert Tickets

Sagopa Kajmer Concert Tickets

Upcoming Events

Sagopa Kajmer 26 October 2024 Adana Concert Tickets

Çukurova Üniversitesi Açık Hava Tiyatrosu, Adana

Saturday, October 26, 2024, 21:00

Starting Price: 1,760.00 TL

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Sagora Kajmer started his concerts without slowing down. Fans are eagerly waiting for Murda concerts. If you want to participate in these activities full of fun and music, you are at the right address.

Sagopa Kajmer was born on August 17, 1978 in Samsun. He started his music career as a DJ at a local radio station in Samsun. Then he came to Istanbul to complete his education.

In 1998, he founded the rap group called "Kuvvetmira" and took part under the nickname Silahsız Kuvvet. Later on, he actively used the same name as "Sagopa Kajmer". He released his album.'' Sagopa, who increased his popularity with tracks such as "Galiba, Baytar, Ateşten Gömlek", proved that he can sing different styles in 2019 with "Toz taneleri, Avutsun Bahaneler, Siyah". He defied Time with his pieces.

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